Kurt Manufacturing News
Retirement Spotlight
Congratulations to recent Kurt retirees Dave Banks and Bob McCain.
Kurt at 2019 AeroDef Show
Jamie Erickson is representing Kurt Manufacturing at this year’s AeroDef Manufacturing trade show held in Long Beach California. Visit Kurt at Booth #1445.
Retirement Spotlight
Congratulations to recent Kurt retirees Jim Salzbrunn and Dan Dulcos. Jim’s career spanned 45 years and while Dan worked 41 years.
NCEO Visits Kurt Manufacturing
On March 4, 2019, Kurt Manufacturing hosted Corey Rosen, Founder of the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) and Drew Halunen, Senior Communications Advisor for US Senator and Presidential candidate, Amy Klobuchar.
Kurt Engineers Discuss Automation
Take a look! Kurt's Industrial Products Engineers discuss automation, software and quality in a new video.
Retirement Spotlight: Dave Chilton
After 39 years with Kurt as a skilled machinist and calibration technician, Dave Chilton is retiring to pursue new dreams in a warmer climate.
40 – 45 Year Award Recipients
Each year, Kurt recognizes service anniversaries for employees at 5-year milestones. This year’s Award list totaled 810 years of service! We also had four employees celebrate anniversaries of 40 or 45 years of service!
2018 Holiday Food Drive
We are proud of Kurt’s Machining Division Employee Owners who have donated $1,021.58 and with Kurt’s company match of 100% we have made a total contribution of $2,043.16 for our Holiday Food Drive!
Kurt Welcomes New ESOP Members
Congratulations to our 17 New Employee Owners who entered the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) during our 2018 Plan year!
2018 Kurt Machining Cookout
Did you know that every October, The ESOP Association and employee owned companies like Kurt celebrate Employee Ownership Month?
Apply Now! Machinist Internship
Kurt Manufacturing is taking applications for a Machinist Internship position! Applications are due October 12th.